Mental Health Self-Referrals

City and Hackney Talking Therapies

City and Hackney Talking Therapies are a team of NHS Psychological Professionals who are trained in a range of evidence based talking therapies for anxiety and depression.

Find more information on their services here.


NHS North East London

Mental health support from NHS North East London. Call 111 and select option two for mental health support.

See here for a British Sign Language (BSL) Service option.


Getting professional Help

East London Foundation Trust: Need Help Now - If you need urgent help with your mental health please call 0800 073 0006. 

Self Referral For Mental Health Support - Talk Changes is a confidential NHS service for adults registered with a GP in City and Hackney. They offer a wide range of tried and tested NHS talking therapies, such as cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) and counselling.

City & Hackney Mind


Contacting your GP

Please contact us to by completing an Accurx. We encourage you to complete the form in as much detail as you can. For some people it is helpful to write down their feelings but we understand that it can also be difficult for others. If you are unable to complete the form please call our patient services team on 020 8525 2980